Check out some cool jazz art!
About The Jazz Cat
"The Jazz Cat" is the alias of Easton Davy. Easton is a world famous jazz artist who has created jazz paintings and prints for over 10 years.
You can find me at the biggest Jazz Festivals sharing my wonderful creations with adoring jazz lovers.
I have created over 25 jazz cd covers for the likes of Bluenote Records, and European Jazz labels.
I can paint or draw anything related to Jazz!
I have painted live on stage with current jazz musicians and love to share The Jazz with fans in a live setting.
Check out JAZZ ART ROTTERDAM to see Easton Davy's ART!
Perhaps you would like to see my art or commission me for a painting or print? I even do weddings if the "green" is right Baby!
This website is my way of giving back to a music that has been so good to me. I hope you enjoy it and keep coming back for more gravy... ya dig?
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